Membrane filtration plating of E. coli on modified mTEC agar
Contact Information:
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
Cryptosporidium and giardia by filtration/IMS/FA microscopy
Contact Information:
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
Membrane filtration plating of coliform bacteria on MI agar
Contact Information:
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
E. coli by Membrane filtration plating on mTEC agar
Standard Methods
Contact Information:
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Coliform bacteria by Multiple-tube test using lauryl-tryptose and EC-MUG broth
Standard Methods
Contact Information:
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Coliforms, total, by Membrane Filtration (MF) Plating
Standard Methods
Contact Information:
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Membrane filtration plating of E. coli with MUG-fluorescent detection
Standard Methods
Contact Information:
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Enzyme substrate assay for measuring total coliforms and E. coli (ONPG-MUG test or CPRG-MUG test)
Standard Methods
Contact Information:
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
E. coli and other coliform bacteria by Coliscan MF
Micrology Labs
Contact Information:
Micrology Laboratories L.L.C.
106 West Lincoln Ave
Goshen, IN 46526-3219
phone: 1-888-327-9435
email: Jonathan N. Roth ( or (
E. coli and other coliform bacteria by Coliscan Easygel method
Micrology Labs
Contact Information:
Micrology Laboratories L.L.C.
106 West Lincoln Ave
Goshen, IN 46526-3219
phone: 1-888-327-9435
email: Jonathan N. Roth ( or (
Benthic Invertebrate sample collection; 3 minute kicknet in wadeable streams
Contact Information:
Environment Canada
National Water Research Institute
867 Lakeshore Road, P.O. Box 5050
Burlington, ON L7R 4A6
Email:* Note: To use the email address, please replace the asterisk (*) with an at symbol (@)
Environment Canada
Atlantic Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance Division
Water Science and Technology Directorate-Science and Technology Branch
Dartmouth, NS B2Y 1N6
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Monitoring and Non-Tidal Assessment Division
Tawes State Office Building, C-2
580 Taylor Ave.
Annapolis, MD 21401 1-877-620-8DNR
Single and multi-pass electrofishing (Pusey and others, 1998)
Queensland DNR
Contact Information:
This research was conducted with financial support by the Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation and the Queensland Departments of Primary Industries and Natural Resources.
Chlorophyll and Pheophytin in Algae by Fluorescence
Contact Information:
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
Chlorophylls and Pheopigments in Phytoplankton by Spectrophotometry
Contact Information:
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Status and Trends Program (NS&T)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel. 301-713-3028
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Status and Trends Program (NS&T)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel. 301-713-3028
Trace metals in marine sediment by neutron activation
Contact Information:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Status and Trends Program (NS&T)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel. 301-713-3028
Trace metals in marine animal tissue by neutron activation
Contact Information:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Status and Trends Program (NS&T)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel. 301-713-3028
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Status and Trends Program (NS&T)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel. 301-713-3028
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Status and Trends Program (NS&T)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel. 301-713-3028
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Status and Trends Program (NS&T)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel. 301-713-3028
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Status and Trends Program (NS&T)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel. 301-713-3028
Trace metals in marine animal tissues by X-ray fluorescence
Contact Information:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Status and Trends Program (NS&T)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel. 301-713-3028
Trace metals in marine sediments by X-ray fluorescence
Contact Information:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Status and Trends Program (NS&T)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel. 301-713-3028
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Status and Trends Program (NS&T)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel. 301-713-3028
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Status and Trends Program (NS&T)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel. 301-713-3028
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
Hexavalent Chromium Using Chelation Extraction and AA
Contact Information:
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
Ammonia in Estuarine and Coastal Waters by Colorimetry
Contact Information:
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
Nitrate-Nitrite by Cadmium Reduction and Colorimetry
Contact Information:
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
Nitrate and Nitrite in Estuarine and Coastal Waters by Automated Colorimetry
Contact Information:
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
Phosphorus (all forms) by Semi-Automated Colorimetry
Contact Information:
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
Orthophosphate in Estuarine and Coastal Waters by Colorimetry
Contact Information:
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Elemental C and N by Combustion and Thermal Conductivity
Contact Information:
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Potassium Permanganate in Water by Spectrophotometry
Standard Methods
Contact Information:
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Ammonia by Selective Electrode Methods Using Known Addition
Standard Methods
Contact Information:
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Sulfate by Gravimetric Analysis with Ignition of Residue
Standard Methods
Contact Information:
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Silica, Automated Method for Molybdate-Reactive Silica
Standard Methods
Contact Information:
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
Silicate, Flow Injection Analysis for Molybdate-Reactive Silicate
Standard Methods
Contact Information:
Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
These organizations may be contacted by phone for more information on Standard Methods Online:
APHA: (301) 893-1894
AWWA: (800) 926-7337, (1-303-794-7711, outside U.S. / Canada)
WEF: (800) 666-0206 (1-703-684-2452 outside U.S. / Canada)
AOAC International
481 North Frederick Avenue
Suite 500
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877-2417 USA
Phone: 1-301-924-7077 (worldwide), or 1-800-379-2622 (toll-free from North America)
Fax: 1-301-924-7089
AOAC International
481 North Frederick Avenue
Suite 500
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877-2417 USA
Phone: 1-301-924-7077 (worldwide), or 1-800-379-2622 (toll-free from North America)
Fax: 1-301-924-7089
AOAC International
481 North Frederick Avenue
Suite 500
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877-2417 USA
Phone: 1-301-924-7077 (worldwide), or 1-800-379-2622 (toll-free from North America)
Fax: 1-301-924-7089
AOAC International
481 North Frederick Avenue
Suite 500
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877-2417 USA
Phone: 1-301-924-7077 (worldwide), or 1-800-379-2622 (toll-free from North America)
Fax: 1-301-924-7089
AOAC International
481 North Frederick Avenue
Suite 500
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877-2417 USA
Phone: 1-301-924-7077 (worldwide), or 1-800-379-2622 (toll-free from North America)
Fax: 1-301-924-7089
AOAC International
481 North Frederick Avenue
Suite 500
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877-2417 USA
Phone: 1-301-924-7077 (worldwide), or 1-800-379-2622 (toll-free from North America)
Fax: 1-301-924-7089
U.S. DOE National Analytical Management Program (NAMP)
850 Energy Drive
MS 4149
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
phone: 208-526-7001
fax: 208- 526-2548 email:
U.S. DOE National Analytical Management Program (NAMP)
850 Energy Drive
MS 4149
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
phone: 208-526-7001
fax: 208- 526-2548 email:
Capillary gas chromatography analysis for organic contaminates in marine sediments.
Contact Information:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Status and Trends Program (NS&T)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel. 301-713-3028
Organic contaminates in marine animal tissues by GC-FPD
Contact Information:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Status and Trends Program (NS&T)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel. 301-713-3028
Organic contaminants in marine sediments by GC-ECD
Contact Information:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Status and Trends Program (NS&T)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel. 301-713-3028
Organic contaminants in marine animal tissues by GC-ECD
Contact Information:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Status and Trends Program (NS&T)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel. 301-713-3028
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Status and Trends Program (NS&T)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel. 301-713-3028
Dioxins and Furans in marine bivalve tissues by GC-MS
Contact Information:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Status and Trends Program (NS&T)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel. 301-713-3028
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Status and Trends Program (NS&T)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel. 301-713-3028
Organic contaminants in marine animal tissues by GC-MS
Contact Information:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Status and Trends Program (NS&T)
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel. 301-713-3028
This is an extraction procedure for semivolatile organic compounds,
organophosphorus pesticides, organochlorine pesticides, chlorinated herbicides, phenoxyacid
herbicides, substituted phenols, PCBs, and PCDDs/PCDFs from soils, clays, sediments, sludges, and solid wastes using microwave.
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
Chemical Oxygen Demand in Saline Waters by Titrimetry
Contact Information:
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
Dissolved and Total Organic Carbon and UV Absorbance at 254 nm in Source Water and Drinking Water
Contact Information:
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757
U.S.EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Microbiological and Chemical Exposure Assessment Research Division (MCEARD)
[formerly the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Cincinnati, OH]
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268-0001
Fax: 513-569-7757