USGS-NWQL: I-3736:  Sodium, total recoverable, atomic absorption spectrometric

  • Summary
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  • Revision
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Official Method Name
Sodium, atomic absorption spectrometric, direct-EPA
Current Revision
Flame Atomic Absorption
Method Subcategory
Method Source
Methods for the Determination of Inorganic Substances in Water and Fluvial Sediments, Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations of the United States Geological Survey, Book 5, Chapter A1 Edited by Marvin J. Fishman and Linda C. Friedman
Brief Method Summary
Sodium is determined by atomic absorption spectrometry by direct aspiration of the filtered or digested and filtered sample into an air-acetylene flame (Fishman and Downs, 1966).
Effluent samples must undergo a preliminary nitric acid digestion followed by a hydrochloric acid solubilization.
Scope and Application
This method may be used to analyze water-suspended sediment containing from 0.1 to 80 mg/L of sodium. If the sodium concentration exceeds 80 mg/L, the sample solution needs to be diluted. The method is very sensitive and can be extended to much lower sodium concentrations.
For ambient water, analysis may be made on an aliquot of the acidified water suspended sediment sample.
For all other water, including domestic and industrial effluent, the atomic absorption procedure must be preceded by a digestion-solubilization as specified below. In cases where the analyst is uncertain of the type of sample, this procedure must be followed.
Applicable Concentration Range
0.01 to 80 mg/L
None of the substances commonly occurring in natural water interfere with this method.
Quality Control Requirements
Calibrate instrument using calibration standards (CAL); quality control samples (QCS); and laboratory blanks (LB) analyzed at a minimum of 1 for every 10 samples.
Sample Handling
Container Description: 250 mL polyethylene bottle, nitric acid rinsed
Treatment and handling: Use unfiltered sample to rinse container, acidify sample with nitric acid to pH <2
Hot acid solubilization with nitric and HCl acids is required.
Maximum Holding Time
180 days
Relative Cost
Less than $50
Sample Preparation Methods